Δ1.1 (Office hours: Monday, 12:00-15:00, Tuesday 11:00-12:00)
Undergraduate courses
- Byzantine Archaeology I (semester: 1)
- Byzantine Archaeology II (semester: 3)
- Archaeology of Late Antiquity (semester: 6)
- Byzantine Texts and Culture (semester: 8)
Graduate courses
- HAC105 Byzantine and ottoman city (semester: 2)
Erasmus Projects Coordinator
- B.A. 1995 (History and Archaeology, specialization in Archaeology), Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Athens
- Visiting Student 1992 (Archaeology), Department of Archaeology, University of Manchester
- Visiting Student 2002-2003 (Medieval Archaeology), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
- MPhil 1998 (History and Archaeology/Byzantine Studies), Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham
- M.A./D.E.A. 2001 (Archaeology of Historical Periods), École d’histoire de l’art et d’archéologie de la Sorbonne (UFR03), Université de Paris I – Sorbonne
- Ph.D. 2007 (Archaeology/Byzantine Studies), Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Athens (in collaboration with the École d’histoire de l’art et d’archéologie de la Sorbonne [UFR03], Université de Paris I-Sorbonne). Dissertation Title: “Οικιστικές θέσεις στην βυζαντινή Ήπειρο, 7ος-12ος αιώνας: μια τοπογραφία του μετασχηματισμού”.
- Ph.D. 2020 (Philology/Byzantine Studies), Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University. Dissertation Title: ”Spatial Paths to Holiness – Literary ‘Lived Space’ in Byzantine Saints’ Lives”.
- Postdoctoral Research 2009–2010, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Athens, funded by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY). Project: «Μεσοβυζαντινές οχυρώσεις στην Ελλάδα και η σχέση τους με τους σύγχρονούς τους οικισμούς. Μια συγκριτική μελέτη από διεπιστημονική σκοπιά».
- Postdoctoral Research 2012–2015, Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Crete and Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Cyrpus, within the framework of the EU Act “Support Postdoctoral Researchers” funded by the Greek State & the European Social Fund. Project: «Continuity and change in the perception of natural space, the land use and settlement in Byzantine Eastern Mediterranean (6th-13th centuries). A reappraisal of the cases of Southern Balkans and Asia Minor from an interdisciplinary approach».
Research interests
- Byzantine Archaeology
- Archaeological Theory
- Survey Archaeology
- Historical Topography
- Spatial Studies and Cultural Geography
- Byzantine Epigraphy
- Byzantine Philology and Theory of Literature
Current Research Projects
- “Medieval Smyrna: The Transformation of a City and its Hinterland from Byzantine to Ottoman Times, Twelfth–Fifteenth Centuries (MESMY)”, Austrian Academy of Sciences, χρηματοδότηση Austrian Science Fund/FWF: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/byzanz/ gesellschaft-und-landschaft/historischegeographie-tib/mesmy.
- ”Retracing Connections: Byzantine Storyworlds in Greek, Arabic, Georgian, and Old Slavonic (c. 950–c. 1100)”, Uppsala University σε συνεργασία με Lund University, University of Southern Denmark, Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, και Swedish Institute at Athens, χρηματοδότηση Riksbankens Jubileumfond: https://retracingconnections.org.
Organized Conferences
- Workshop ‘Notions of Space in Byzantine Historiography’ (University of Crete, June 2015)
- International Conference ‘From the Human Body to the Universe – Spatialities of Byzantine Culture’ (Uppsala University, 17–21 May 2017)
- ‘Second Annual Conference of PhD Students in Literature at the Faculty of Languages and the Department of Literature’, LILAe Research network in literary studies at the Faculty of Languages (Uppsala University, 6 October 2017)
- ‘First Workshop of the International Research Project Medieval Smyrna: The Transformation of a City and its Hinterland from Byzantine to Ottoman Times, Twelfth–Fifteenth Centuries (MESMY)’ (online, 18–19 May 2021)
- International Conference ‘Liminal spaces in Byzantium and beyond: perceptions, performativity, placemaking’ (Swedish Institute at Athens, 27-29 April, 2023)
- Session 113 “Byzantine Heritage in Peril: The Safety of Archaeological Sites (Heritage, Conservation, Preservation, Non-Destructive Methodologies)”, EAA Annual Meeting 2023 (Belfast, Northern Ireland, 30 August – 2 September 2023) (with Joanita Vroom & Nikos Tsivikis)
Selected publications
(Access to the following and other publications is offered through the webpage https://upatras.academia.edu/MyrtoVeikou)
- Veikou, M., Byzantine Epirus: A topography of transformation. Settlements from the 7th to the 12th centuries, The Medieval Mediterranean 95, Leiden-Boston: BRILL NV 2012
- Veikou, M., Spatial Paths to Holiness – Literary ‘Lived Space’ in Byzantine Saints’ Lives, Uppsala: Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia, Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, in press.
- Veikou, M. & Nilsson, Ι. (eds) Byzantine Spatialities – from the Human Body to the Universe, The Medieval Mediterranean 113, Leiden-Boston: Brill NV 2022.
- Veikou, M., 2023. “Geographies of Consumption in Byzantine Epirus: ‘Urban’ Spaces and Practices from the Seventh to the Twelfth Century”, in: J. Vroom (ed.), Feeding the Byzantine City: The Archaeology of Consumption in the Eastern Mediterranean (ca. 500-1500), MPMAS 5, Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 77–107.
- Veikou, M., forthcoming. ”Theorizing Byzantine Urbanity – The City Constituting Memory, Memory Constituting the City”, in: L. Zavagno & N. Bakirtzis (eds), Routledge Companion to the Byzantine City: from Justinian to Mehmet II (ca. 500–ca.1500), Routledge.
- Veikou, M., 2022. “Which Interdisciplinarity? Reinvigorating Theory and Practice as an Opportunity for Byzantine Studies”, in: E. Fiori & M. Trizio (eds), Proceedings of Plenary Sessions, 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Venice-Padoua, August 2022), Venice: Ca’ Foscari, 234–256.
- Veikou, M., 2021. ”Spatial Control and the Formation of Public Space between Byzantium and the Turkish Beyliks: Fourteenth-Century Manisa and Birgi (Two Case Studies in Archaeology of Art)”, in: N.D. Kontogiannis & T.B. Uyar (eds), Byzantine Anatolia: Space and Communities, Fifth International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium, Istanbul, 24-26 June 2019, Istanbul: ANAMED – Koç University, 477–499.
- Mina, M., M. Veikou, 2020. ”Art Studies, Post-processual Perspectives on (Gender, Landscape)”, in: C. Smith (ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, (2nd) Living Edition, Springer, Cham., 1–8, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-51726-1_2817-1.
- Veikou, M., 2019. ”The Reconstruction of Byzantine Lived Spaces: A Challenge for Survey Archaeology”, in: Ch. Diamanti, A. Vassileiou, S. Arvaniti (eds), ̕Eν Σοφίᾳ μαθητεύσαντες, Essays in Byzantine Material Culture and Society in Honour of Sophia Kalopissi-Verti, Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology, 17–24.
- Veikou, M., A. Beihammer, 2018. “’Spatial’ identities. Literary spaces and human agencies in Byzantine Smyrna through the cartulary of Lembos monastery (end of 12th – 13th centuries)”, in: M. Popovic & A. Külzer (eds), Space, Landscapes and Settlements in Byzantium: Studies in Historical Geography of the Eastern Mediterranean, Vienna, 385–406.
- Veikou, M., 2018. “ ‘Telling Spaces’ in Byzantium. Ekphraseis, place-making and the ‘thick’ description.” in: C. Messis, M. Mullett, I. Nilsson (eds), Telling stories in Byzantium: narratological approaches and Byzantine narration, Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia 19, Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 15–32.
- Veikou, M., I. Nilsson, 2018. “Ports and harbours as heterotopic entities in Byzantine literary texts”, in: C. von Carnap-Bornheim, F. Daim, P. Ettel, U. Warnke (eds), Harbours as objects of interdisciplinary research – Archaeology+History+ Geoscience, Interdisziplinäre Forschungen zu Häfen von der Römischen Kaiserzeit bis zum Mittelalter Series, RGZM Tagungen 34, Mainz: RZGM, 265–277.
- Galanidou, N. et al., 2018. “Αρχαιολογική Έρευνα Επιφανείας στο Εσωτερικό Αρχιπέλαγος του Ιονίου”, in: O. Vikatou (ed.), Το αρχαιολογικό Έργο στην Αιτωλοακαρνανία και τη Λευκάδα από τους προϊστορικούς έως τους ρωμαϊκούς χρόνους, Πρακτικά 2ου Διεθνούς Αρχαιολογικού και Ιστορικού Συνεδρίου, 6-8 Δεκεμβρίου 2013, Ι. Π. Μεσολογγίου, Messolongi, 101–124.
- Veikou, M., 2016. “Space in Texts and Space as Text. A new approach to Byzantine spatial notions.”, Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 2: 143–175.
- Veikou, M., 2015. “Mediterranean Byzantine ports and harbours in the complex interplay between environment and society: an evaluation of Evidence from Greece, Cyprus and Asia Minor” in: F. Daim & J. Preiser-Kapeller (eds.), Harbours and Maritime Networks as Complex Adaptive Systems, RGZM Tagungen 23, Mainz: RZGM, 39–60.
- Veikou, M., 2015. “One island, three capitals. Insularity and the successive relocations of the capital of Cyprus from late antiquity to the Middle Ages”, in: S. Rogge & M. Grünbart (eds), Medieval Cyprus – a Place of Cultural Encounter. Conference in Münster, 6-8 December 2012, Münster-New York: Waxmann, 357–387.
- Veikou, M., 2013. “L’habitat en Grèce pendant les IVe-IXe siècles”, Antiquité tardive 21: 125–133.
- Veikou, M., 2012. “Byzantine Histories, Settlement Stories: Kastra, ‘Isles of Refuge’, and ‘Unspecified Settlements’ as In-between or Third Spaces», in: T. Kioussopoulou (ed.), Byzantine Cities, 8th-15th c., Rethymno: Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Crete Publications, 159–206.
- Veikou, M., 2010. “Urban or Rural? Theoretical Remarks on the Settlement Patterns in Byzantine Epirus (7th-11th centuries)”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 103/1, Abteilung: 71–193.
- Veikou, M., 2009. “‘Rural Towns’ and ‘In-between Spaces’. Settlement Patterns in Byzantine Epirus (7th- 11th centuries) in an Interdisciplinary Approach”, Archeologia Medievale 36: 43–54.