Digital representations of the past

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EDG803 Digital representations of the past

Professor: Markos KATSIANIS | Course outline [pdf file]

The use of new digital media has significantly changed the ways in which we interpret and learn about the past. The course explores the processes by which historical events and archaeological remains are converted into digital representations. An overview of the range of digital media used in the interpretation and representation of the past is presented, and the unique challenges and opportunities posed by digital media in archaeology, history and the promotion of cultural heritage are examined. The lectures present cases-studies which are discussed in the class based on the previous reading of relevant sources. Digital representations are discussed in terms of their ability to enhance the scientific exploration of the past and the creation of interactive experiences, but also with respect to issues of accuracy, interpretive fidelity, authenticity and validity. Further themes are explored touching upon artificial intelligence, collaborative learning, social media, as well as the availability and accessibility of digital media.


  1. Παπαγεωργίου, Δ., Μυριβήλη, Ε. & Μπουμπάρης, Ν. (επιμ.) 2006. Πολιτιστική αναπαράσταση. Κριτική: Αθήνα [Κωδ. στον Εύδοξο: 11752]
  2. Κόκοτος Δ. Χ. 2007. Εικονικά περιβάλλοντα πληροφόρησης. Σταμούλη Α.Ε.: Αθήνα [Κωδ. στον Εύδοξο: 22738]
  3. Μπούνια, Α. & Καταπότη, Δ. (επιμ.) 2021. Αναδυόμενες τεχνολογίες και πολιτισμική κληρονομιά. Αλεξάνδρεια: Αθήνα [Κωδ. στον Εύδοξο:102072775]
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